The following is
a resume of the different Army Corps with which General Slocum was connected from time to time: Ist Corps in the Army of the
Potomac, as commander of [the Twenty-Seventh Regiment of New York Volunteers] in the Battle of Bull Run, in 1861.
VIth Army Corps as commanding
a brigade, and as division commander, as Brigadier-General, and Major-General, in protecting Washington; in the Peninsular
Campaign; the Maryland Campaign and at the Battles of South Mountain or Crampton's Pass, and at the Antietam.
XIIth Corps, as full commander;
at Harper's Ferry; the Shenandoah Valley; in the Grand Reserve protecting Washington, to and at the battles of Chancellorsville,
and, Gettysburg; pursuing the [Confederate Army] back to the Rappahannock and Rapidan; and in protecting the Nashville and
Chattanooga Railroad, in the Army of the Cumberland.
Ist, IIIrd, XIth, and XIIth Corps, Army of the Potomac, the evening and night of the first
day at battle of Gettysburg [July 1, 1863].
Vth, VIth, XIIth, and parts of other Corps, in the Battle of Gettysburg [July 2-3, 1863].
IInd and XIIth Corps in pursuit
of the enemy from Gettysburg to and at the Rappahannock and Rapidan.
XVIIth Army Corps in part, and local forces, garrisons in fortifications at Vicksburg,
Natchez, and other parts of the District of Vicksburg, including gunboats and naval militia, with headquarters at Vicksburg.
XXth Corps, composed of the Union
of the XIth and XIIth Corps, in the Chattanooga and Atlanta Campaign from Chattahoochee and in the occupation of Atlanta,
Army of the Cumberland.
XIVth and XXth Corps, composing the Army of Georgia, and often the Cavalry, in the great March to the Sea, the occupation
of Milledgeville and Savannah.
XIVth, XVth and XXth Corps in the Campaign of South Carolina, also the Cavalry, from Savannah to Sister's
and XXth Corps, composing the Army of Georgia, in the Campaign of the Carolinas, the battles of Averysborough and Bentonville;
and in the triumphal March through Richmond and to Washington, at the close of the war.
The great March to the Sea, through the heart
of Georgia, and northward through the hearts of South and North Carolina, without any permanent or friendly base of supplies
excepting while at Savannah and Fayetteville, must always be considered as a most brave and perilous undertaking. It will
remain in history as the longest, one of the severest, and most hazardous undertakings on record in a civilized country. Its
results on the surrender of the different Confederate armies from those of Lee and Johnston to all others, as well as of important
cities, was all that could have been desired. It fully demonstrated to the strong belligerant States, and Armies, of the rebelling
Confederacy the futility of their further struggle.
The proud cities of Milledgeville, Savannah, and Fayetteville, were captured without battle,
and Columbia with little show of opposition. Charleston was vacated of armed resistance to its occupancy by United States
authorities as soon as its railway lines of food supplies were cut by the Union troops on the great march.
The battle of the Last Chance
of the Confederacy was fought, and won, by General Slocum March 19th and 20th [1865]. The Confederate Government disappeared
from sight and hearing with the surrender of General Robert E. Lee April 9th [1865]. General Joseph E. Johnston,
Slocum '8 opponent, surrendered April 26th [1865].
Source: Slocum, Charles E., The
Life and Services of Major-General Henry Warner Slocum. Toledo, OH: The Slocum Publishing Company, 1913, pp. 328-329.